Roses are red, violets are blue, you've got us, and PFLAG's got you!
If you don't have a Valentine this Friday, you do now. We love you, support you, and we're proud of you. ❤️
PFLAG National—along with transgender young adults and families with transgender youth and GLMA—is serving as a plaintiff in a federal legal challenge against the executive order from the Trump administration attempting to shut down nationwide access to necessary medical care for transgender people under 19. The case is called PFLAG v. Trump.
Friday, October 10 - Sunday, October 12, 2025 Chicago, IL
Details and registration information coming soon.
LAST CALL: Share Your Story!
We want to hear your ally stories—and share them in the fifth edition of The Guide to Being an Ally to LGBTQ+ People (formerly the guide to being a straight ally). Are you someone who is LGBTQ+ who has allies that have made a difference in your life? We want to hear from you!
By sharing your personal stories of allyship, you will make a transformative difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ people, and help positively change the conversation about LGBTQ+ experiences.
Ready to share? Tell us your story.The deadline to share is this Friday, February14th.