Dear Chapter Leader,

We’re excited to announce our first Love Votes Week of Action, taking place next week, the week of September 23rd. This week’s actions are centered on voter registration and education. For each day of the week of action, we invite you and your members to share on social media what your love is voting for this election and why voting with love is crucial. We are also hosting volunteer opportunities to leverage your relationships to help get out the vote in your communities and beyond! 

Here's how to take action each day (and help spread the word by sharing our daily actions on your chapter’s social media pages):

Monday, September 23rd: Check your voter registration! And look for a new video from a very special PFLAG supporter on social media.

Tuesday, September 24th: Join us for the first of two volunteer sessions utilizing an exciting peer-to-peer organizing tool that makes it easy to check in with your network and ensure they are registered to vote, and ask them to pledge to be a PFLAG Voter! Register today!

Wednesday, September 25th: In preparation for our Friday uplift, create and share videos encouraging your social media followers to make their own Love Votes videos. Use our Love Votes social toolkit for best practices and messaging, and be sure to share that toolkit when you post asking others to do the same! 

Thursday, September 26th: Join us for our September edition of PFLAG Academy Online, PFLAG Votes 2024: Know Your Rights as a PFLAG Voter, where we’ll delve into voting rights and host a Q&A session with a representative from the League of Women Voters. 

Friday, September 27th: Say it loud and proud on social media: Your love votes! Check out our social toolkit for ideas for your posts

Saturday, September 28th: Can't volunteer with us on Tuesday? No worries! Join us for the second opportunity of the week to get out the vote using our peer-to-peer organizing tool. Register for the volunteer session now!

It doesn’t stop there! We are asking chapter leaders to submit Letters to the Editor to raise awareness about the Love Votes campaign and the importance of voting with love this November in your community.  You will find letter templates in the password-protected chapter leader portal to help you craft your message and to make submitting your letter quick and easy

If you have any questions about the activities listed or the Love Votes Campaign in general, please email

Thank you for taking action next week and for all that you do!

Jamie Curtis (she/her)
Vice President, Chapter & Communities Engagement

PFLAG DEI Survey: Last Chance To Participate!

In partnership with Promise54, PFLAG is gathering insights to help us determine where we are with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and to develop a plan to ensure that PFLAG is a place where everybody belongs. This Friday, September 19th, our DEI survey will close, and we’d really like to hear your feedback! All data collected from the survey will be anonymous.

Reminder: Please do not share this survey with your members by email or post it to social media; we will circulate out to all members and supporters of PFLAG, including chapter members.

Thank you for your participation and support in taking this survey! For more information, read the survey FAQ. Have further questions? Contact the Promise54 team!

Annual Meeting/Board Ballot Reminder

Have you cast your PFLAG National Board of Directors ballot yet? Your ballot is due back by no later than Monday, September 30th. Cast your ballot today! 

Ballots which cannot be identified as being cast by a member in good standing will be disqualified. Members in good standing include all individuals of a household whose dues are current as local chapter members, or any person who has paid their PFLAG National membership fee of $50 within the last 24 months.

Results will be reported at the PFLAG National Annual meeting, which will take place virtually on Sunday, October 6th at 5pm ET/2pm PT. If you have not yet RSVP'd to attend the PFLAG National Annual meeting, please do so now

This will be an invigorating and informative annual meeting, as we take a look at the incredibly important year ahead. You will also hear from our incoming board chair, Edith Guffey (she/her). It promises to be an exciting gathering, and to attend, you must be registered; you will receive a link to the meeting in your confirmation email.

Thank you for casting your vote and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, October 6th.

PFLAG Academy Online: September 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024 | 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT: PFLAG Votes 2024: Know Your Rights as a PFLAG Voter

As we race toward the general election, it is important for PFLAG voters and LGBTQ+ advocates to know their rights as they head to the polls. Especially since in many states how you vote, where you vote, when you’re able to vote, and what you’ll need to cast a ballot may have changed in recent years. Join this month’s PFLAG Academy Online workshop to learn more about our rights as voters and participate in an engaging “Ask Me Anything” conversation with PFLAG’s Advocacy team.

Register today!


On-Demand Sessions

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Access through the PFLAG Member Portal to find resources, toolkits, branding materials, and more for Chapter Leaders!

All of PFLAG's branding assets, including the chapter logo generator, the branding guide, and more! 


Use the PFLAG Member Portal to update your chapter contact info, membership lists, leadership rosters and meetings.


PFLAG National
(202) 467-8180 |

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