Hola! Este formulario es para registrarse para las reuniones de padres y familiares de personas LGBTQ+ quienes son parte de la comunidad Latina. Si es parte de la comunidad Latina y es una persona LGBTQ+ también puede participar.
Welcome! This registration form is for the PFLAG Connects: Latino Community meetings. Note that these meetings are geared towards parents and family members of LGBTQ+ people from the Latino community, though Latino members of the LGBTQ+ community are also welcome.
La próxima reunión para la comunidad Latina será el jueves, 6 de febrero del 2025 a las 9pm tiempo este / 8pm tiempo centro / 6pm tiempo Pacifico y será facilitada en español o bilingüe dependiendo de nuestros participantes.
The next Latino Community meeting will be held on Start Date at 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PT and will be facilitated in Spanish or bilingually depending on our participants.
Por favor llene el formulario para recibir los detalles del Zoom.
Please register to receive Zoom information for this meeting.
Start Date | Start Time to End Time
Organization Name
Org Address Line 1 | Org City, Org State Org Zip
Get in touch! Org Email or Org Phone
You are now registered for PFLAG Connects: Latino Community. You will receive an email with the Zoom link momentarily.
Ya esta registrado para PFLAG Connects: Comunidad Latina. Recibirá un correo electrónico con información de Zoom.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Victor Vizcarrondo Velez: vvizcarrondovelez@pflag.org.
Si tiene preguntas, comentarios, o problemas, por favor conéctese con Victor Vizcarrondo Velez: vvizcarrondovelez@pflag.org.
Organization Name
Org Address Line 1 | Org City, Org State Org Zip
Get in touch! Org Email or Org Phone